Jane Jurugo

ANBC Choir Director

Jane Jurugo is not only one of our dear daughters at ANBC, but she is also the daughter of Mama Mariatha and Jinous Jurugo.

Jane has been serving in the praise and worship ministry for over 2 years. As one of the youngest members of ANBC, she leads the praise and worship team, under the leadership and guidance of our dear first lady Mama Rose. Jane states she finds joy in worshiping and praising the Lord; because in praise and worship all her worries, fears, and doubt are set free! The joy of the lord is her strength! Her prayer is that her praise and worship reach those who are broken in spirit and not only uplifts them, but also helps them to find peace and joy in the Lord. Jane loves serving the Lord with her dear brothers and sisters at ANBC. In her own words, “I look forward to going to my father’s house every Sunday to worship him in spirit and truth, with my dear brothers and sisters.

I am blessed to be among a group of individuals who love the Lord dearly and serve him diligently with all their hearts.

ANBC Praise & Worship Members


  • Mama Rose
  • Mama Asonta Oddo
  • Sister Jane Jurugo
  • Sister Asunta Kamandala
  • Sister Rael Wilson
  • Sister Kayla Soro Musician
  • Zaki Lado

“Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name.” Psalm 100:4